Friday, April 29, 2011

Spring Break

This week is Spring Break for the kids.....the weather has been very crappy.  Rain, cold, gloomy.  Cannot believe its almost May and we have not seen many spring like days. We did manage to fill the week with running around, movies, video games, etc.  :)  With last weeks Ikea trip, Carter's room is getting a make over.  He decided that the murals can be painted over.  So here is one last picture of them.  On Thursday night, Kennedy was suppose to have her first soccer practice.  It ended up being cancelled due to rain and cold, but she is charge of the treat bucket. She is very excited about her new job.  :) William and Kate got married at 4:00 am Friday morning.  Matt took the day off from Alliance so Megan and Matt got up at 4 and watched it live.  NUTS.

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