Friday, April 29, 2011

Spring Break

This week is Spring Break for the kids.....the weather has been very crappy.  Rain, cold, gloomy.  Cannot believe its almost May and we have not seen many spring like days. We did manage to fill the week with running around, movies, video games, etc.  :)  With last weeks Ikea trip, Carter's room is getting a make over.  He decided that the murals can be painted over.  So here is one last picture of them.  On Thursday night, Kennedy was suppose to have her first soccer practice.  It ended up being cancelled due to rain and cold, but she is charge of the treat bucket. She is very excited about her new job.  :) William and Kate got married at 4:00 am Friday morning.  Matt took the day off from Alliance so Megan and Matt got up at 4 and watched it live.  NUTS.

Monday, April 25, 2011


After going to Ikea on Saturday for 11 hours, spending 4 hrs and 20 minutes in the store and spending $1300 it was Easter.  We had 20 people over for a fun day.  (lots of work and noise too!!) Megan actually cooked the ham, made the taco dip, and cheese tray.  Yummy food Megan. 

Friday, April 22, 2011


Megan took this picture of Kennedy outside.  I thought it was very cute and had to post it. 

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, so we were all home.  It was so nice to be together and not run to school, practice, work, etc.  :) Since we may go to Ikea tomorrow, we dyed Easter eggs today all 60 of them. 
And look Carter is growing up too fast.  He now wears MEN's size 7 shoes.  WOW, those are the coolest baseball cleats. 

Dare Graduation

On Thursday, Megan's 5th grade class graduated from the Dare program.  I truly hope she handles drugs and alcohol like they taught her.  JUST SAY NO!!!  (Isn't she cute!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Merry Easter!!

On Monday night we went to the Fox River Mall and saw the Easter Bunny. You know when your kids are getting too grown up when Kennedy asked Megan and Carter to sit by the bunny with her and they said absolutely NOT!  So Kennedy braved it by herself.  Then on Tuesday it thunder-snowed.  There was actually lightening and thunder.  Crazy.  Will spring ever come??? 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Door County

This weekend we went to Door County with the Berg Family.  The weather was not the greatest(cold, rain, snow!) but we had a blast.  The kids swam alot, we played games (interesting True or Dare!), watched the movie Matilda three times and of course went to our favorite eating spots, bowled and shopped.  On Friday night, at Jo Jos we saw a cardinal in the bird feeder...and since it was Buppa's birthday on Thursday the musican sang happy birthday there!! Thanks Nana and Buppa for organizing this super fun memorable weekend.  <3

Soccer Star

Thru out last week, Kennedy got soccer gear for summer league.  On Friday, we picked up the cleats  at Rogans. She was so excited about them that she wore the cleats to lunch at Red Robin. She is all set with a ball, chin guards, and shorts.  I cannot wait to see her play.  And she will have the best coach ever....Daddy. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring is here?!

Even though its suppose to snow this weekend....we have been enjoying the 55-60 degree weather outside.  Here is Cootie playing with her rainboots, knee pads, batting helmet and football.  :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shorts, Flip Flops and Snow?!?!!?

Today was an awesome sunny warm 79 degree day?!  The kids wore shorts and the girls wore flip flops.  Look at the snow hill that is still in the cul de sac.  Only in Wisconsin right?!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Footit's......

Here are a few pics to catch the blog up again.  The first picture is of Cootie trying to ride a two wheel bike.  She did a pretty good job.  Remembering back...Carter and Megan could ride a two wheel bike at 4. Go Cootie.  Second picture is showing that Carter and Megan are the SAME height.  Megan's height is on the right.  Wow did these kids grow.  The last pictures are of Carter aka Guss for a 3 on 3 basketball tourney at the Y with some Tipler 7th graders.  Good Luck Carter!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I Love Sunshine?!

Its been a couple days since a post.  Matt worked all weekend long hours and I ran the kids all over.  :) I am glad he usually doesn't work weekends.  I like the family being home together.  Yesterday was Monday and we were bored so we ended up at Woodman's and $348 later we had a van FULL of groceries to deal with.  So today is Tuesday, which is dance for Megan and Carter is in another basketball tourney on Saturday so he has practice at the Y.  But the day was sunny and beautiful, so I made Cootie play outside alot.  Here she is at Nana B's playing in the car.  And one more picture of the day....clouds!  I love blue sky and clouds.  It brings back memories of the old house on Kienast and Carter's nursery.  <3

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Super Cute!!

Today it was about 45 degrees out and we got outside to play for awhile.  Here Kennedy is practicing riding her bootscoot.  Super cute, right!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Its Friday night and Matt is working.  :(  (Its 8:30pm and he is still not home!?) So I tried being a fun mom and we played Dominoes.  And I ended up with three crabby kids that were poor sports.  How fun is that?!

Sleepy Cootie

This is what happens on a Thursday you have preschool, go to lunch/play with Nana Footit, play outside, go to Y dance class and then go to Appleton for your brothers indoor baseball game at 8:00.  Kennedy actually slept on the drive to/from Appleton, on the bleachers during the game and all night when we got home.  Don't be fooled, she still snuck in our bed during the night. 

I Love Dance

Tonight was the last night of the Y dance class.  Here is a picture with Miss Lisa.  Boy did the girls have fun.  <3