Saturday, May 21, 2011

Megan's Friend Birthday!!!

On Friday night, Megan had her friend birthday party.  In a week my middle baby is going to be 11.  I cannot believe how time flies.  She had four girls over...we went to the Timber Rattlers game and then had a sleep over.  The girls had alot of fun and did not go to bed until 2:45.  That's probably why Megan took a power nap this afternoon.  :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kennedy's First Soccer Game!!

On Thursday, Kennedy played her first soccer game ever.  :)  She was very excited to play.  Her team won 20 to 8 even though you are not suppose to keep score.  Most of the times she was just running with the pack of kids chasing the ball.  (at times I actually think she was afraid of all the girls trying to kick the ball!!)  Towards the end of the game, she of course, had to go potty.  So Nana ran her to the bathroom, and when she returned the game was over and she missed the parent tunnel and the after game snack.  So I gave her the snack (mini oreos and kool aid) and she said "Nana, I must of won the game, I just got these treats!!"  What a cutie!!  <3

American Girl

On Saturday we celebrated Hailey's 4th Birthday with a trip to the American Girl in Chicago.  We took the Amtrac train from Milwaukee to Chicago and then took a taxi to the store. The little girls had sooooooo much fun.  They loved the train, they loved the taxi ride with no seatbelts or car seats (do you have your wallet Keri????)they loved shopping and truly could not decide what to buy, and the lunch was so much fun(even though both girls did not eat much!).  What a memorable day for all!  THANKS NANA and BUPPA and KERI!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

The first couple pictures show what happens when you give your "teen-age" kids the camera.  NICE.  The next ones are of me and the kiddos.  Wish I did not look so fat, but aren't the kids cute.  <3

Saturday, May 7, 2011

We still are Around!!!

Today Megan had her first softball game.  Unfortunately they lost 4 to 0 and it was very cold and windy out.  (Good thing the sun came out once in awhile!!) Kennedy had a couple suckers and that turned out to be too much sugar at 10am.  WOW!   Hoping spring comes soon so at future games we can wear short sleeves not winter coats.  :)  I have also posted pictures of Carter's new room.  It turned out very nice looking.  (And very grown up too!!)