Monday, February 28, 2011


On Sunday, I really did not feel the best.  I had a sore throat and low ambition.  So no pictures were taken.  But I have been waiting to use this as a post.  I saw this sign when we were at a basketball game. 
Attitude--The difference between winning and losing.  How true is that!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Last Oshkosh West White Basketball Game

On Saturday we attended the last Oshkosh White basketball game.  They finished their season at the tournament with two losses and one win.  In between games, there was a three point contest, which Carter took 2nd place.  Carter has the best fans, right?!  Now, when does baseball start?

Silly Girl

On Friday, I was doing laundry and Kennedy decided to play in her laundry basket.  Also, I bought her a pillow pet--a ladybug--and I got three kisses and five thank you Moms for buying it for her.  Sometimes its nice to get thanked.  :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Two Cuties

Look at these cuties?!  Today Kennedy and Hailey started a dancing class at the Y.  They will learn some basic steps in ballet, tap and jazz.  They were sooo cute. 


So here we my bedroom.  I have had two visitors since Monday.  Megan needs her new blind hung, she claims, then she will go back to her bedroom.  And Kennedy she will sleep with me or anyone until she is 18?!  TOGETHERNESS got to love it.  NOT!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance

Today, I decided Carter deserved to have two pictures in the blog.  The bottom picture is of Carter, who is 12, eating his spaghetti dinner.  Look at his face and the placemat.  He is very MESSY.  The top picture is him sitting waiting to say the Pledge of Allegiance at the City Counsel meeting.  (love the dimple!)

Monday, February 21, 2011

No School Again?!?!

Today the kids had no school due to the weather.  (SNOW!)  We watched a movie, relaxed and played cards.  Matt cooked a yummy beef wellington and potato dinner.  What a great day!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

More Snow?!?!

Got to love Wisconsin as we are in the middle of a winter storm warning.  It started snowing about 11am and is to snow until Monday afternoon.  The kids are crossing their fingers for a snow day tomorrow.  :)  The snow did make for a very relaxing day in the house.

Poor Cootie

Today Cootie came down with a nasty cold.  Kennedy and I actually had to skip a Saturday of basketball to stay home and rest.  She has used two boxes of Klennex so far.  Hoping she is better soon.  I hate it when my babies are sick.  :(

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I LOVE Woodman's and Snapple.

So what else does a family of five do on a Friday night?  Of course you go to Woodman's for some power grocery shopping.  In fact $394 worth?!!  But since I had a long week, and snapple was on sale for $4.49--I decided to stock up.  18 cases baby.  I am seriously in HEAVEN.  :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Disney on Ice

Tonight we went to Disney on Ice.  It went thru alot of great Disney classics...which I need to dig out and show the movies to Kennedy. <3

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome Home!

Nana and Buppa came home from their Flordia winter trip today.  Everyone was very excited to see them.  Welcome home.  :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Play Date

Kennedy had her first "play date" at our house with a preschool friend.  Her name is Tizitia.  She is a very sweet little girl.  Kennedy and Tizzy got along very well and had alot of FUN.  Hope we can have her over again.  :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!  Here is little Cootie.  We were coming back from story time at the library.  It was a beautiful sunny day may have been 40ish degrees.  :)  Hugs and kisses to all my valentines.  <3

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Mystery Machine?! For Real?!

We hung around Wausau alittle bit today.  When driving to the outlet mall we saw this van and had to stop to take a picture.  Way too funny.  We had an awesome weekend in Wausau at the Freethrow contest. (swimming, relaxing, shopping, out to eat, laughs, and fun!!) Hopefully we will be back next year!! 

2nd Place

Wow!! The free throw contest was intense.  Carter made 22 out of 25 free throws in the first round which tied him for first.  He then made 9 out of 10 in the tie breaker, but his opponent made 10 out of 10.  Matt and I were so proud of him and as parents I think we were more nervous then Carter.  We will get them next year Carter.  Good job and dad and I are super proud of you.  <3

Wausau or Bust

On Friday, we drove to Wausau to stay the weekend.  Carter is shooting in the State Freethrow Contest for the Elks Club.  He is one of the state's sectional winners.  There will be 5 shooters plus Carter.  The hotel was paid for by the Elks and received $25 gas money--which now Carter claimed in his wallet.  Good luck Carter Cat!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just Thursday

So today was cold, as usual.  Hoping spring will be here soon.  After everyone got home and we had dinner, and off again.  Carter had basketball practice.  Megan had pitching practice.  Which I had to be her catcher.  She had some good laughs!!  So here we are together again.  (Since Ms. Kennedy does not nap....she is truly sleeping.  Plus she is in heaven to have a sleep over!! She hates sleeping alone?!)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just Wednesday

So today was a typical Wednesday...Coot had school, kids had school and Matt worked. The weather was extremely cold about -20 below with windchill.   After dinner we ended up going to the Y for a couple of hours.  Now the kids have talked me into watching American Idol and staying up late.  I hope it does not back fire tomorrow.   

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just Tuesday

Today I started watching a 5 yr old boy named Jacob.  He goes to Pre-K so just in the mornings and a little bit in the afternoon.  (Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays!) So Kennedy had a friend to talk to and play with!  She only had two meltdowns due to sharing.  Since tonight is dance and basketball practice...its pretty quiet  around the house.  So yes Megan, Kennedy is picture of the day again.  This is what happened when we picked Megan up from dance.  Look at her new style.  My hat and a pair of ear muffs. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Just Monday

Today was a snowy, cold Monday.  Kids had school.  Kennedy and I ran to the water company, grocery shopped, did laundry and went to her last Y gymnastic class.  Megan after school told me she loves to takes I gave her my old camera.  I love this picture of Coot.  She actually looks to be too old looking though. 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

Today the Packers played in the Super Bowl.  And unfortuately for the Footit family, they won.  So no pictures were in order here today.  Here is a picture I took yesterday with Shelly-my BFF.  <3

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Busy Basketball Saturday

Today Carter had a basketball tournament at Lourdes.  He ended up winning the constilation bracket and got a metal.  Carter played well.  I took alot of pictures today....but while I was cleaning the house, I caught Kennedy and Daddy coloring Dora pictures.  Way too cute!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Just the three of us

Tonight Cootie was the only kid home after dinner.  Carter and Megan both went with friends to the North High School basketball game.  The three of us went to Hobby Lobby, the outlet kitchen stores, and of course we ended the night with the Dollar Store. 

Where are my Shoes?!

Megan wore this cute skirt today with black leggings.  When she got off the bus this afternoon, she decided to climb the snow hill out front.  She then tumbled, yes tumbled down the hill backpack and all.  So when she took off the wet leggings, she saw my black boots and put them on.  I have to say she is dead sexy?!  I will never have my shoes to myself as she wears my UGG boots to school, my moccasin slippers and any other shoes she can get her big hoofs in.  :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day :)

Today was an official no school snow day!  We were in a blizzard warning....there had to be at least 10 inches of snow and wind gusts made it hard to see the road.  So we had a pj day, filled with running around, numberous hours of Xbox and even some scrapbooking.  Later in the day the sun came out and it is fairly nice out for the kids to play.  The plow just came....look at the hill in front of our house.  FUN!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today we put together Kennedy's preschool Valentines.  We ended up putting an eraser, pencil and a notebook in the cute Valentine's bag.  What was totally awesome was---Kennedy wrote her name on all 17 of the Valentines.  Now if only I can hold her off until next week bringing them to preschool.  (She is alittle excited!)