Thursday, March 31, 2011

Really More Gerbils?!

We have now added two more gerbils to the Footit zoo.  Matt and Megan got them from the Animal Shelter.  They are in Kennedy's room and she is sooo happy.  More pictures of the rodents to come.  LOL Megan. 

Tiger Woods Baby

On Tuesday, March 29, it was Carter's half birthday.  Cannot believe he is 12 1/2 already?!  Time certainly does fly.  On his half birthday, Tiger Woods 2012 came out for xbox 360.  He spent alot of Tuesday playing it.  (not as much as I thought!!!)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Video Girls

Over the weekend Kennedy was introduced to Megans Nintendo DS.  When we came home on Sunday, she inherited Carter's old DS.  So here they are playing video games.  :) 

The State Oshkosh Hoops Team

StateBasketball Tournament Weekend

This weekend we went to the State Basketball Tournament in Wausau.  The blue and white Oshkosh West 6th grade teams combined and Andrew Spanbauer was the Coach.  The baskeball tourney was rough...finished dead last...28th.  But the time with friends and their families was alot of fun. 
Look at all the pillows we had in our room!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Grounds Hog Day.....

The entries for Wednesday and Thursday of this week...will have no pictures.  First our laptop is acting up so its very hard to use it with any speed to post these entries.  Also, we, as a family, have gotten into our late winter rut.  We have basketball and baseball and dance and softball practices during the week...on top of homework, running errands, laundry, cooking, get the point.  When is spring coming.  :)

Really?! Sleeping at 5:30?!

This is what happens when Kennedy does not rest during the afternoon.  While waiting to take Megan to dance she was listening to music on the couch.......and look what happened.  She was NOT fun to wake up?!  Icks

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Future Softball Girl

Coot and I went to Kohls shopping.  She talked me into a Dora bat and ball.  And look what she napped with today!!!  Too cute. 

All Three Kids Together?!

This was actually taken on Sunday.  We were all home for a while together.  Funny that we have some of the day off so everyone is bored and does not know what to do?!  (Nice smile Carter!!) On Monday night back to craziness, Carter basketball and Megan at school for kindergarten tours. 

Cute?! Right?!

  Today is going to be a typical Sunday where Megan has softball practice for 2 hrs and then Carter will have practice for another 1 1/2 to 2 hrs shortly after Megan.   Welcome to a preview of summer.  When Matt got home tonight, he said he threw about 400 pitches between the two practices and had a pretty sore arm.   

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Exhausted Mom?!

So this is where I slept Thursday night.  A whole three hours that is.  So lack of sleep this week and the fact on Friday, I could not remember when I ate last made for a very very sick mommy.  All of Friday was spent in BED.  Thanks to my family for helping out.  Maybe next time I should ask for help sooner so I don't get this sick again.  WOW!!!!

Really...the hospital?!

So Cootie had the flu since Tuesday night.  When she threw up on Thursday afternoon, I called the clinic and they said to bring her in.  Well, Cootie was dehydrated her and I spent the night at Mercy Hospital.  She had an IV and they put a board on her arm so it would stay in.  (Even though on Friday morning, I tripped on the cord and pulled it out!!  Urghhh!!) POOR Cootie.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

And the Sick Continues.....

Tuesday night into Wednesday Kennedy got the stomache flu.  So all day today she was on the couch with a fever!!! (we even snuggled alittle bit!) So tv day 3 was filled with Dora, Good Luck Charlie, and Max and Ruby.  Meanwhile outside it was about 50 degrees.  Bye bye Snow.  Thinking tomorrow is another TV day.  Hopefully my husband will be home soon from his golf meeting so I can get out for awhile. But Matt be home early from a golf event....oh, does a bear poop in the woods. 


Megan was sick from school on Monday and Tuesday.(Cold and sore throat!!)  So between the two days we have had a serious marathon of I Carly, Good Luck Charlie and Zack and Cody.  WOW is all I can say!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cowboy Cootie

Today its feeling alittle more like Spring.  Yippee-cannot wait.  We were playing outside and Kennedy got her winter boots wet so she put these cowboy boots on.  Kind of cute winter coat, snow pants and COWBOY boots.  :)

No one Home....

So Sunday is going to be my first no picture day.  Its alittle hard to take pictures when no one is home.  Kennedy went to Haileys and played until 8:00 pm.(she actually fell asleep on the way home from picking her up!)  Megan had softball practice and Carter had basketball practice.  Carter found out today that he made the Oshkosh Red traveling baseball team and Megan will be playing for the traveling Raiders team.  Cannot wait for summer.  Really!?!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Today we are going to the girls and boys Lourdes basketball games.  In Waupau and Stevens Point.  I know crazy!!  So the girls and I are hanging out at home before we have to go.  Look at the cute ponies Megan put in Kennedy's hair. 

For Real?!

On Friday, the kids had off school.  So we went to Ripon to have lunch with Matt and then had Lane and Trace over.  I wanted Carter and Trace to be picture of the day.....this was the best pose they could come up with.  For real guys?!

Friday, March 11, 2011


Kennedy is wearing her glasses that she needs to see with to read books.  They kind of look like sun glasses?!  Good thing she is cute!!!

Daddies and His Girls

Here are Daddy and his Girls.  Its Wednesday and we are watching American Idol with Hop.  LOL! Kennedy was having a sticker/pump out the artwork session.  Nice stickers Daddy! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday!

Today is Fat Tuesday and we received these masks in Ripon.  I wanted all three kids to put them on for a picture of the day moment, but Carter is on the couch with a cold, Kennedy is just being Kennedy, so Megan is the only one willing to do the picture. 

Sending Prayers!!!!

Sending prayers to Shelly Anderson.  <3

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Dentist's Dream

Today for lunch we had pizza and Kennedy decided she did not like pizza.  So Matt cooked for her.  Orange Tic Tacs, gummy bears, marshmellows and chocolate covered pretzels.  She ATE all the items except for the marshmellows.  After 20 minutes, she complained of a stomache ache.  :( 

Night Out--Hops and Props

Saturday night Matt and I went out with a bunch of friends.  First we went to the Roxy then to Hops and Props at the EAA.  We had a great time.  I even drank alittle and found a new favorite Hard Lemonade drink.  When we arrived home at 10:30 look what I found up.  Urgghhh!


Megan loves to play school with Kennedy.  She has actually taught Kennedy alot of stuff.  Numbers, letters, colors, etc.  (thanks Meg!)  If Megan ever wants to be a teacher, she will be an awesome one.  :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

School Play

Carter had a school play for choir class.  It was called, Rich.  It was about pirates and finding a treasure.  Have you ever seen a pirate with a baseball hat, plaid shirt, black nylon shorts, with one red sock and the other blue? Carter had a few speaking parts....he sang most of the time.  The funniest part of the whole thing, was Carter and Alex looked as if their dog just died.  (their facial expressions were sour!) Good thing they are cute!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dominoes (Not Pizza!!)

Nana and Buppa Berg taught Carter and Megan how to play Dominoes on Saturday.  Today Nana bought us our very own set.  Also, they taught me to play.  It was super fun.  Hope we can play again.  :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Love my Pjs

Kennedy serious wore her pjs ALL day.  Even to play on the snow hill outside.  I guess w:hen you are cute, you can wear anything.  Its 7:00pm and she is showered with a clean pair of pjs on.  Tomorrow she has to go to preschool, so I am sure she will be excited to get dressed. 

Again Cherish each Moment

On Monday night, I was just too exhausted to take a picture and post it.  (We had a busy night anyways, Carter had state basketball practice and Matt had to bill at the h2o company!)  I know that God works in mysterious ways, but one of our good friends, Shelly Anderson is having some major surgery tomorrow.  And it just does not seem fair.  :(  I pray things go her way.  Just another instance, that you need to cherish each moment you have in life.  So here is the Footit family.  I love you guys.  <3