Monday, January 31, 2011

Smile Brace Face

Today Carter had an orthodontist appointment.  They put braces on the top eye teeth(which are located up way up high!) so Carter smiled so you could see them.  Cute, right?!  Things are moving along with his teeth and it looks like no teeth pulling and braces for another 11 months. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Megan volunteered to scrub the kitchen floor for me today.  I loved that she helped me.  Do you think she will do it again next week?!

Steak Dinner

Last night, Saturday, Shelly came over and cooked the Footit's a steak dinner. Everything from salad to cheesecake.  Matt told Shelly, Good dinner O'Neil and Kennedy followed and said the same thing.  It was very funny coming out of her mouth.  Shelly was babysitting was fun to have a toddler in the house.  Kennedy looked like a giant compared to him!! (not really a baby anymore, I guess) Megan really liked watching him.......he even asked her to hold him alot.  She will make a great babysitter. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Report Cards

The kids got their report cards today.  They are awesome kids.  Carter got 5 A's and 1 B.  Megan got a good number of 4 's and a few 3's.  Megan's grade in attentive listener went down.  I actually was proud of her.  She said she talks more in class. (when she is not suppose to that is!) :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Relaxing :)

After everyone is in bed, I can finally enjoy some "mommy" time.  I have been watching DVDs of several TV series (OC, True Blood, Weeds!) on my portable player.  I enjoy it so much that my average bed time this week has been 1 am.  On top of watching these series, I enjoy a diet snapple...without sharing it and getting little things floating in my Snapple bottle. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Tonight we are watching American Idol filmed in Milwaukee, WI.  Good music and good laughs.  (wait where is Carter, he is missing, better check downstairs by his xbox 360)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Kennedy is starting to get into this picture of the day blog.  Several times a day she tells me to take her picture.  So since today was filled with laundry, cooking lasagna, changing the beds, and a walk around the block then everyone home for 1 1/2 hours and then off to basketball practice and dance.  She is the picture of the day.   And a cute picture of the day, I must say. 

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today the kids had off school for the end of a quarter.  Matt even took a vacation day.  We had a fun family day hanging out with each other.  (and if anyone wants to see the other 15 pictures we took--let me know!!  Carter needs to learn to smile and not look dur to dur!!)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ping Pong

Matt bought this cool ping pong set that fits on our kitchen table.  We have had some "mean" family matches.  Now if I could ONLY beat Matt..... :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

2nd Place

Today we were in a tournament in Cambria-Frisland.  We won our first two games and lost by 15 in the championship game against Beaver Dam.  The team played hard and we are very proud of them.  Way to go Oshkosh White. 

Friday, January 21, 2011


Today it was sunny out, but VERY, VERY cold.  The temperature right now at 7:00 pm feels like -14.  So we hung out at home alot.  Here is a picture of a heater we put in the living room for extra snuggling warmth.  Look what Kennedy is running around the house in tonight.  No pants and no socks.  (I have told her several times to put things on!!  I give up?!)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Babies

Over the last few days, I have began to realize how big these kids are getting.  Whether it has been there limited time at home during the day, the conversations I have had with them or just hearing a few songs on the radio--I just cannot believe how grown up and cool they all are.  Look at all the pics they are!  They will always be my babies.  :) 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Shhhhhh....she's sleeping.

When I see this little girl sleeping, I just want to pick her up to kiss and snuggle her forever...BUT then reality hits and I remember if she wakes up she will want to sleep in my bed as well as talk my ear off.  Night night little Coot.  Please stay in your bed tonight.  <3

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dancing Queen

Here is the place Megan hangs out on Tuesday nights.  She has taken dance since she was 4 years old.  I think she is starting--just starting--to come out of her shell at dance.  She is shy and quiet at the studio.  Can you believe that???  :)  Kennedy watched the girls dance tonight--and really enjoyed it.  Watch out Daddy she may join the Julies Touch my Wallet studio next year. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Snowing Again?!

Today it snowed another 3-4 inches.  It is a pain for I am the new shoveler at home.(I guess it comes with the stay at home mom job description!)  But the girls certainly had a great time on the front yard snow hill today.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Basketball Buddies

Today we had a basketball tourney in Menasha. Here is a picture of Carter and Trace.  Even though the Carter's team did not win many games(lost first one by 4, won second game by 1 and lost the third by 1!!).  Carter had a career high scoring day.  36 points in the three games.  In one game he had 21 points.  Hit quite a few 3 pointers.  Way to go Carter.  Dad and I are soooo proud of you.  <3 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Helpers

We got quite a bit of snow today I pursuaded my kids to do the snow for me.  Thank you.  :)

Friday, January 14, 2011


Kennedy ate breakfast #2, lunch #2 and dinner out at restaurants!!  First, she ate a pancake at home early at 6:30.   We got dressed and went to Two Brothers to meet Grandma Jean.  At Two Brothers she ate eggs, bacon, and milk.  Then we were off to Anna Krupps where she ate Dora soup, crackers, banana, blueberries, and juice.  At noon we went to Mike's with Grandma Ade....there she had ice cream.  We arrived back home in time for the kids to get home from school and daddy to get home from work.  Then we were off to the Roxy for cottage cheese, crackers, soup, spaghetti and bread.  WOW....its a wonder she does not weigh 200 pounds.  How do you like the spaghetti sauce on her face?!  :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Got Tape?!?!

Kennedy loves to "pump out the artwork".  (as Matt says!) She loves to color, draw, write her name/numbers/letters, cut and most of all tape things.  This is all the tape she received from Santa.....and guess what?  Its all gone. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who's Cuter?!?

Today the girls of the family got matching knitted flower hats.  The hats are pretty cute, are we?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who's Counting.......

Today's post is of Megan.  She is counting the number of times her brother and sister are appearing in the blog.  And thinks its not fair....So are post of the day.  How many does everyone have now?!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Parents.....

Here is a picture of Matt and I.  Thinking the diet better work soon as I have two to three chins on this picture.  But this blog is only possible, because these two people fell in Love.  <3

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Big Daddy!!

Anytime I am looking for Matt, I immediately look in the man cave downstairs!!  He is always watching his favorite tv show and snuggled up.  Good thing I love him otherwise I would kick his butt!!  Don't worry honey the kids are fed, bathed, homework is done, your laundry is complete, dishes done!!!  :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Champ!

Carter is the NE Wisconsin Regional Freethrow Shooting Champion!!! He shot 19 out of 25!!  Dad, Megan and I are soooo proud of you.  (and Coot too!)  Cannot wait until the entire family can go to Wausau for the weekend---sponsored by the Elks Club.  :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

I AM blessed in my Life.

What started out as a typical day for Kennedy and I, turned out to be a day where I stood back and realized how lucky I am.  I took Grandma Ade to Culvers for lunch.  At Culvers, there were 10-15 SEVERELY handicapped kids there.  They ranged anywhere from grunting loudly, to drooling, to getting sick on the table, to just laying in their special wheelchair trying to smile.  I could hardly eat my salad and felt sick.  On top of the kids, I realized how lonely it can be to be old!!!  Grandma Ade was so excited for our Culvers adventure and the little ride I took her on.  Thank you God for my wonderful husband, kids, mom, dad, sister, family and friends.  I will certainly NEVER forget this day and when my patience grow thin...I need to look back on this day and remember...I am blessed!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My new BFF!

Carter has asked for an Xbox 360 for about 3 Christmas's.  He got one this year and has certainly played it ALOT.  I truly believe he likes the Xbox more than anything in the world.  So here is Carter with his new BFF. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I think I should be worried?!?!

Kennedy came to me this afternoon and said she made a CIGARETTE(out of paper and stickers) and she was smoking.  I am not sure where you would learn this behavior since Matt and I HATE smoking!!!!  Do you think I should worry!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Introduction at Oshkosh West Basketball Game

Carter got introducted at the Oshkosh West varsity basketball game tonight.  GO WILDCATS!  He also found out that he made the next round of the Elks Club free throw contest!!! So he will be shooting hoops on Saturday in Oconto!!  Best of luck Carter Cat!  Sink those free throws!!  :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Kennedy's Gymnastic Class

Kennedy had her first gymnastic class today at the Y!  She was soooo cited to go.  She loved it and looks forward to next Monday.  :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Megan Cleans her Room for the New Year

After alot of asking,(which is a usual thing!) Megan finally cleaned her room so she could draw at her desk.  :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I am going to attempt to add a picture every day for the next year.  Matt said I could not do this, so giving me a challenge may make this work.  (Especially from Matt!)  Here are the kiddos!